C. elegans viability and hydrogen peroxide uptake. (A) Percent
viability of C. elegans using 200 mM hydrogen peroxide in the
presence of 0, 0.1, 0.5, and 1% AZ. Negative control is C. elegans in
the presence of 50% methanol, and positive control is C. elegans in
M9 buffer. Error bars are calculated across technical triplicates (left). Fluorescence
integrated densities (FID) for hydrogen peroxide uptake in the presence of 0–1%
AZ (right). (B) Representative C. elegans fluorescence images in
response to intercellular hydrogen peroxide: no hydrogen peroxide control (left), 200
mM hydrogen peroxide (middle), and 200 mM hydrogen peroxide with 1% azone (right). (C)
Percent viability of C. elegans using 200 mM hydrogen peroxide in the
presence of 0, 0.1, 0.5, and 1% OA. Negative control is C. elegans in
the presence of 50% methanol, and positive control is C. elegans with
no hydrogen peroxide. Error bars are calculated across technical triplicates (left).
FID for hydrogen peroxide uptake in the presence of 0–1% OA (right).