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. 2020 Dec 17;3:559927. doi: 10.3389/frai.2020.559927


Predictive subgroups diversity visualization per attribute and selector-value pairs.

Attributes # of different lipidlowering agents for dyslipidemia Total serum triglycerides (mg/dL) Duration of insulin therapy (year) # of OGLD Receives oral glycaemic lowering drugs Device used for insulin Vials and syringes Total # of antidiabetics agents Statins for dyslipidemia Visits diabetes websites Treated for other form of dyslipidemia # of different devices used by the patient Smocking habits Times seen by a diabetologist in the past 3 months other form of dyslipidemia HDL serum cholesterol (mgdL) Device used for insulin Disposable pen Age at diagnosis (year) Duration of insulin therapy (year)
Algorithm # of distinct attributes Subgroups Ranking 0 1 169.7 3 2 2 Yes No 1 Yes No Yes 1 Never 1 0 Yes 58.0 Yes 56 4
Virtual Twins 5 S1 X X
S2 X X X
S3 X X X
Q-Finder predictive mode 14 S1 X X X
S2 X X X
S3 X X
S4 X X X
S5 X X X
S6 X X X
S7 X X X
S8 X X X
S9 X X X
S10 X X X