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Table 1:

Neuropathological findings in COVID-19 brain tissue

Viral presence by RT-PCR 53.5% (54/101)
Viral presence by IHC 27.7% (23/83)
Microglial Activation 42.9% (79/184)
Microglial Nodules* 33.3% (14/42)
Lymphoid Inflammation 37.5% (69/184)
Perivascular 33.7% (62/184)
Parenchymal 23.9% (44/184)
Leptomeningeal 23.4% (43/184)
Acute Hypoxic-Ischemic Changes 29.9% (55/184)
Astrogliosis 27.7% (51/184)
Acute/Subacute Brain Infarcts 21.2% (39/184)
Spontaneous Hemorrhage 15.8% (29/184)
Microthrombi 15.2% (28/184)
Alzheimer Type II Astrocytosis 2.7% (5/184)
Neuronophagy 2.2% (4/184)
Neuronal Cell Loss 2.2% (4/184)
Hemorrhagic Transformation of Infarct 2.2% (4/184)
Foci of Demyelination 1.6% (3/184)
Vascular Neutrophilic Plugs 1.6% (3/184)
Perivascular Neutrophils 1.1% (2/184)
Parenchymal Neutrophilic Infiltration 1.1% (2/184)
Leptomeningeal Histiocytes 0.5% (1/184)
Acute Purulent Meningitis 0.5% (1/184)

Table 1: Some histologic findings are likely to be under-reported as reviewed studies are variable in their focus. *Only studies tabulating the prevalence of microglial nodules are included. Studies mentioning microglial nodules in their case series but not enumerating the frequency are excluded.