A) Average grasp aperture in EYFP control rats. Gray lines represent individual rats. Linear mixed model: effect of laser:
t(48) = −0.16, p=0.88; interaction between laser and session:
t(585) = −1.14, p=0.26. (
B) Same as (
A) but for paw orientation. Linear mixed model: effect of laser:
t(75) = −0.65, p=0.52; interaction between laser and session:
t(585) = 0.47, p=0.64. (
C) Same as (
A) and (
B) but for maximum reach velocity. Linear mixed model: effect of laser:
t(49) = −0.23, p=0.82; interaction between laser and session:
t(585) = 0.72, p=0.47. (
D) Moving average of maximum reach extent for ‘between reach’ stimulation within the last ‘retraining’ session, first 6 ‘laser on’ sessions, and first 5 ‘occlusion’ sessions. Black bars represent trials with a statistically significant difference between groups (Wilcoxon rank sum test, p<0.01). Data for ‘during reach’ stimulation from
Figure 6D are shown for comparison. (
E) Average grasp aperture for ‘between reach’ stimulation. Linear mixed model: effect of laser:
t(48) = −0.60, p=0.55; interaction between laser and session:
t(585) = 2.59, p=9.76×10
−3. (
F) Moving average of aperture at grasp end within the last ‘retraining’ session, first 6 ‘laser on’ sessions, and first 4 ‘occlusion’ sessions. Black bars represent trials with a statistically significant difference between groups (Wilcoxon rank sum test, p<0.01). (
G) Same as (
E) for paw orientation. Linear mixed model: effect of laser:
t(74) = −0.67, p=0.51; interaction between laser and session:
t(585) = 1.85, p=0.06. (
H) Moving average of paw angle at grasp end within the last ‘retraining’ session, first 6 ‘laser on’ sessions, and first 4 ‘occlusion’ sessions. Black bars represent trials with a statistically significant difference between groups (Wilcoxon rank sum test, p<0.01). (
I) Same as (
E) and (
G) for maximum reach velocity. Linear mixed model: effect of laser:
t(49) = 0.17, p=0.87; interaction between laser and session:
t(585) = −0.43, p=0.67. (
J) Moving average of maximum reach velocity within the last ‘retraining’ session, first 6 ‘laser on’ sessions, and first 4 ‘occlusion’ sessions. ‘R10’, ‘L1’, ‘O1’, etc. indicate the 10th retraining session, first ‘laser on’ session, first ‘occlusion’ session, etc. Shaded colored areas in D, F, H, J and error bars in A, B, C, E, G, I represent s.e.m. ** indicates p<0.01 for the laser-session interaction term in panel E.