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. 2021 Jan 22;15:625885. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2021.625885


Associations of the candidate SNPs with AD in the extension study.

Gene SNP Position Dominant p-values Additive p-values Recessive p-values, (OR, 95% CI)
ADH1B: Missense Variantc.143A > G, p.His48Arg rs1229984 chr4:99318162 M: 0.46, F: 0.78 M: 0.41, F: 1.00 M: 0.58, F: 0.59
ADH1C: Synonymous Variant, c.453T > A,C p.Thr151 = rs2241894 chr4:99344976 M: 0.24, F: 0.39 M: 0.09, F: 0.29 M: 0.08, F: 0.72
ALDH1B1: Missense Variant, c.320G > A, p.Arg107His rs2073478 chr9:38396068 M: 0.12, F: 0.12 M: 0.34, F: 0.40 M: 0.72, F: 0.77
ALDH2: 2KB Upstream Variant, A > G rs886205 chr12:111766623 M: 0.48 F: 0.51 M: 0.19, F: 0.46 M: NA, F: 0.60
ALDH2: Missense Variant, c.1510G > A, p.Glu504Lys rs671 chr12:111803962 M: 0.57, F: 0.65 M: 0.39, F: 0.56 M: 0.29, F: 0.59

M, male, F, female, NA, not applicable, OR, odds ratio, 95% CI = 95% confidence interval, Logistic regression was performed, adjusting for age, education, HTN, DM, and alcohol use. p-value with Bonferroni correction for significance was 0.01.