Table 1.
Questionnaire presented during the survey.
Demographic information 1. Sex 2. Age 3. School type 4. Region of residence Knowledge of COVID-195. Do you know what is COVID-19? 6. What tool do you mainly use to find out about COVID-19? 7. Do you think you are at risk of contracting COVID-19? 8. What are the most common symptoms of COVID-19 infection? 9. How is COVID-19 diagnosed? 10. Do you think there is a treatment for COVID-19? 11. Have you been told that you were sick with COVID-19? 12. Have any of your acquaintances contracted COVID-19? If yes, specify who. Psychological impact of COVID-19 on teenagers 13. Are you afraid of COVID-19? 14. Since schools have been closed, have you noticed that you are sleeping more or less? 15. If you have been sleeping less or more, explain why. 16. Have you been more agitated since schools have been closed? 17. Since schools have been closed, have you been feeling sad? 18. Do you cry during the day? 19. Do you feel more tired than usual during the day? 20. What do you miss most since schools have been closed? 21. Since schools have been closed, have you been eating more or less? |
22. If you have been eating more or less, why do you think this has happened? 23. Since schools have been closed, have been speaking more or less with your parents? 24. Since schools have been closed, have your relationships with your improved, deteriorated or remained the same? 25. Since schools have been closed and the authorities have said to decrease outings and contacts with the others, is there something you have missed? 26. Do you ever talk about COVID-19 with your friends? 27. Would you like to be able to discuss/talk more about COVID-19? 28. Who would you like to talk about COVID-19 with? 29. Since you have been at home, have you taken your temperature due to a fear of having COVID-19? 30. Since you have been home from school, have you been seen by a doctor for COVID-19? 31. Would you like to take a swab test to find out if you have COVID-19? 32. Would you like to provide a blood sample to find out if you have had COVID-19? Lifestyles 33. Do you attend school online? 34. Do you go out sometimes? 35. Do you see any of your friends? 36. Since schools have been closed, have you been spending more time playing video games? 37. Do you wash your hands more than before? 38. Do you have a surgical mask? |