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. 2020 Dec 16;154(1):52–60. doi: 10.1177/1715163520976161

Table 1.

All self care/ambulatory conditions currently being covered in Canadian pharmacy school curricula

Topic area Percentage of schools Topic area Percentage of schools
Acne 100 Insect bites/stings 80
Allergic rhinitis 100 Lactose intolerance 50
Atopic dermatitis 100 Leg cramps 20
Allergic contract dermatitis 90 Lice 100
Burns (uncomplicated) 90 Low back pain 80
Calluses and corns 90 Musculoskeletal strains and sprains 90
Common cold 100 N&V of pregnancy, unspecified 80
Complementary and alternative therapies 60 Nutritional supplements/herbal remedies 50
Conjunctivitis: bacterial, viral, allergic 90 Obesity 50
Constipation 90 Onychomycosis 70
Contraception 90 Oral aphthous ulcers 70
Cough 100 Oral thrush 80
Diabetes care 70 Oral/dental care 70
Diaper dermatitis (irritant contact dermatitis, Candida) 90 Otic disorders 90
Diarrhea, noninfectious 90 Pinworms and threadworms 70
Diarrhea, infectious 90 Seborrheic dermatitis 90
Dysmenorrhea 90 Shingles 80
Emergency contraception (oral) 90 Sleep disorders, minor 80
Erectile dysfunction 80 Smoking cessation 100
Eyelid conditions 70 Sore throat/pharyngitis 70
Fever management 90 Sunburn/sunscreens 90
Foot care 100 Superficial bacterial skin infections: impetigo and folliculitis 100
Fungal skin infections (superficial; self-treatable) 90 Superficial wound care 80
Gas/bloating 70 Teething 40
Hair loss 30 Tinea corporis infection (ringworm) 80
Headache 100 Tinea cruris skin infection (jock itch) 80
Heartburn/GERD 100 Tinea pedis infection (athlete’s foot) 90
Hemorrhoids 100 UTI (cystitis)—acute, uncomplicated 90
Herpes labialis (cold sores) 80 Urticaria 70
Home diagnostics 60 Vitamins/minerals 70
Hormonal contraception 90 Vulvovaginal candidiasis (vaginal yeast infection) 90
Impacted ear wax 60 Warts (excluding facial and genital) 100
Infant colic 80 Xerophthalmia (dry eyes) 80
Infant nutrition 70 Other 0
Influenza 90

GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease; N&V, nausea & vomiting; UTI, urinary tract infection.