Table 1.
Topic area | Percentage of schools | Topic area | Percentage of schools |
Acne | 100 | Insect bites/stings | 80 |
Allergic rhinitis | 100 | Lactose intolerance | 50 |
Atopic dermatitis | 100 | Leg cramps | 20 |
Allergic contract dermatitis | 90 | Lice | 100 |
Burns (uncomplicated) | 90 | Low back pain | 80 |
Calluses and corns | 90 | Musculoskeletal strains and sprains | 90 |
Common cold | 100 | N&V of pregnancy, unspecified | 80 |
Complementary and alternative therapies | 60 | Nutritional supplements/herbal remedies | 50 |
Conjunctivitis: bacterial, viral, allergic | 90 | Obesity | 50 |
Constipation | 90 | Onychomycosis | 70 |
Contraception | 90 | Oral aphthous ulcers | 70 |
Cough | 100 | Oral thrush | 80 |
Diabetes care | 70 | Oral/dental care | 70 |
Diaper dermatitis (irritant contact dermatitis, Candida) | 90 | Otic disorders | 90 |
Diarrhea, noninfectious | 90 | Pinworms and threadworms | 70 |
Diarrhea, infectious | 90 | Seborrheic dermatitis | 90 |
Dysmenorrhea | 90 | Shingles | 80 |
Emergency contraception (oral) | 90 | Sleep disorders, minor | 80 |
Erectile dysfunction | 80 | Smoking cessation | 100 |
Eyelid conditions | 70 | Sore throat/pharyngitis | 70 |
Fever management | 90 | Sunburn/sunscreens | 90 |
Foot care | 100 | Superficial bacterial skin infections: impetigo and folliculitis | 100 |
Fungal skin infections (superficial; self-treatable) | 90 | Superficial wound care | 80 |
Gas/bloating | 70 | Teething | 40 |
Hair loss | 30 | Tinea corporis infection (ringworm) | 80 |
Headache | 100 | Tinea cruris skin infection (jock itch) | 80 |
Heartburn/GERD | 100 | Tinea pedis infection (athlete’s foot) | 90 |
Hemorrhoids | 100 | UTI (cystitis)—acute, uncomplicated | 90 |
Herpes labialis (cold sores) | 80 | Urticaria | 70 |
Home diagnostics | 60 | Vitamins/minerals | 70 |
Hormonal contraception | 90 | Vulvovaginal candidiasis (vaginal yeast infection) | 90 |
Impacted ear wax | 60 | Warts (excluding facial and genital) | 100 |
Infant colic | 80 | Xerophthalmia (dry eyes) | 80 |
Infant nutrition | 70 | Other | 0 |
Influenza | 90 |
GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease; N&V, nausea & vomiting; UTI, urinary tract infection.