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. 2020 Dec 18;13(2):e12993. doi: 10.15252/emmm.202012993

Figure EV3. Examination of muscle fiber type‐specific dystrophin expression in treated mdx mice.

Figure EV3

Adult mdx mice were intravenously injected with PMO at the dose of 12.5 mg/kg/week for 3 weeks mixed with MOTS‐c (500 μg), and tissues were harvested and examined two weeks after last injection.
  1. Immunohistochemistry for dystrophin expression in slow‐twitch (soleus), fast‐twitch (EDL), and mixed type (triceps) of muscle fibers of treated mdx mice (scale bar: 100 μm). Type I MHC was used to identify slow‐twitch muscle fibers, and type IIa and IIb MHC were used to characterize fast‐twitch muscle fibers. The arrowheads point to dystrophin‐positive fibers.
  2. Quantitative analysis of type I MHC‐ and dystrophin‐positive or type IIb MHC‐ and dystrophin‐positive fibers in treated mdx mice (= 3; *P < 0.05, two‐tailed t‐test). Type I+ or type IIb+ means type I MHC‐positive or type IIb MHC‐positive fibers, respectively. Dys+ represents dystrophin‐positive fibers. Fold change refers to PMO‐M relative to PMO alone.

Data information: Data were presented as mea± sem. Exact P values are specified in Appendix Table S1.