Pre-steady-state kinetics of correct nucleotide incorporation.
A, a preincubated solution of hPolε exo− (100 nm, UV concentration) and 5′-radiolabeled D-1 DNA substrate (20 nm) was rapidly mixed with 1.25 (purple), 2.5 (blue), 5 (green), 10 (yellow), 80 (orange), or 200 μm (red) dTTP and Mg2+ for varying incubation times before the reaction was quenched with the addition of EDTA. Product concentration was plotted against time and the data were fit to Equation 5. The inset shows the first 0.2 s of each time course. B, the kfast and kslow values for each dTTP concentration were plotted against their respective dTTP concentration. The plot of kfast
versus [dTTP] was fit to Equation 7 to yield a kmax of 411 ± 26 s−1 and a of 11 ± 2 μm. The plot of kslow
versus [dTTP] was fit with a smoothed line. C, the Afast and Aslow values for each dTTP concentration were plotted against their respective dTTP concentration, and the data were fit with a smoothed line.