Extended Data Fig. 4. Modeling errors around omitted Zinc ligand in ADH.
Target 4 (ADH) density map with examples of modeling errors caused by omission of Zinc ligand. a, Reference structure with Zinc metal ion (gray ball) coordinated by 4 Cysteine residues (blue sidechains). b-e, Submitted models missing Zinc (labels indicate the group_model ids). All have geometry and/or conformational violations as flagged by MolProbity CaBLAM (magenta pseudobonds), cis-nonPro (green parallelograms), Ramachandran (green pseudobonds), Cbeta (magenta spheres), and angle (blue and red fans). Model (b) has backbone conformation very close to correct, while (b) and (c) both have flags indicating bad geometry of incorrect disulfide bonds. Models (c) and (d) have backbone distortions, and (e) is mistraced through the Zn density. Molecular graphics were generated using KiNG.