Fig. 5. Down syndrome (DS)-associated differentially methylated region (DMR) overlapping FLI1 promoter region.
a DS-associated DMR (Šidák-corrected P = 1.65 × 10−78 from comb-p), which included 19 CpGs, had a mean Δβ-value = +0.132 between DS (teal, N = 196) and non-DS (red, N = 439) newborns, and overlapped a promoter of FLI1 transcript variant 4. The position of the DMR (brown horizontal bar) is shown relative to the FLI1 gene in the UCSC Genome Browser (, along with tracks for chromatin accessibility (DNase I clusters, darkness corresponds to signal strength) and histone modifications (H3K4me3, H3K27ac), CpG islands (green), and a custom track displaying positions of the array CpG probes (blue). b Violin plot showing normalized FLI1 expression derived from single-cell qRT-PCR on index-sorted FL myeloid progenitors with megakaryocyte–erythroid potential (Lin−CD34+CD38+CD45RA−) from non-DS (N = 3) and DS (N = 3) subjects. FLI1 expression was significantly reduced in DS myeloid progenitor cells (N = 292) compared with non-DS cells (N = 412) (P = 2.20 × 10−16, two-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum test). Horizontal lines represent the median.