Figure 1.
ClustalW multiple alignment of the mature, P. brevicompactum “bubble protein” BP-clade-specific MPs of Eurotiomycetes [21]. P. chrysogenum PAFC (Pench_146100) is framed in blue. The two conserved γ-core motifs found in the members of this clade are framed in red. The abbreviations of the full species names and the protein accession number are indicated: Penbr (P. brevicompactum), Pench (P. chrysogenum), Penfla (Penicillium falvigenum) Penla (Penicillium lanosocoeruleum), Penpol (Penicillium polonicum), Pencop (Penicillium coprophilum), Penswi (Penicillium swiecickii), Penex (Penicillium expansum), Penvul (Penicillium vulpinum), Asptaic (Aspergillus taichungensis), Aspcand (Aspergillus candidus), Asptr (Aspergillus triticus), Aspcam (Aspergillus campestris), Aspeamy (Aspergillus amylovorus), Aspve (Aspergillus versicolor), Neofi (Neosartorya fischeri), Aspnov (Aspergillus novofumigatus), Penant (Penicillium antarticum), and Aspbom (Aspergillus bombycis). The color coding of aa was applied according to ClustalX. The conservation between the respective sequences based on the ClustalW2 Multiple Sequence Alignment tool [26] is indicated at the bottom.