Figure 7.
Functional enrichment analysis of downregulated DEGSs in patients at high risk of progression. (A): Top 10 GO terms plotted in order of adjusted p-values (BH). Bar size represents the number of significant DEGs that fall within a GO category (numDEInCat) and color represents the adjusted p-values (BH). (B): KEGG pathways are ordered by adjusted p-values (BH), bars size represent the number of significant DEGs that fall within a KEGG pathway (numDEInCat) and color represents the adjusted p-values (BH). (C): Gene-Concept Network. The size of the KEGG pathways stands for the number of DEGs that fall within each pathway. Color scale of gene names stands for the -fold change of DEGs in the high risk of progression group compared to the low risk of progression group.