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. 2021 Jan 26;21(3):808. doi: 10.3390/s21030808

Table 8.

Evaluation metrics (domain) and reported results for the analyzed studies. Legend: ▼ significant decrease; ▲ significant increase;  non-significant decrease;  non-significant increase; ∼ unchanged; avg, average; ♂ male; ♀ female; 🟉 subjects with low-back pain.

# Device Subj. Tasks (Domain) Evaluation Metrics and Criteria
1 SPEXOR 19 ♂ Lifting; Repetitive bending
Standing and walking
Static forward bending
(Subjective) M-SFS ▼ 7%
2 SPEXOR 11 ♂ Static forward bending; Lifting
Repetitive lifting; Kneeling
Load carrying; Sit to stand (StS)
(Muscular) LT10%, IL16%, LL16%, EO ∼, RA ∼     (Functional) Kinematics ∼
(Metabolic) Met. cost ▼ 18%         (Force/torque) Joint work ▼
4 SPEXOR 10 ♂ Static forward bending
Load lifting
(Muscular) IL-LL ∼, RA-EO ∼. (Force/torque) L5-S1 Fc ▼ 21%, L5-S1 Mfe ▼ 8.1%
(Functional) α-Hip ▼ 17% (Muscular) ▼ 22% (avg.), (Force/torque) L5-S1 Fc ▼ 14%
(Functional) α-Hip ∼
5 SPEXOR 🟉7 ♂
🟉7 ♀
Static forward bending; Lifting
Load carrying; Kneeling; Walking
Sit to stand; Stair climbing
(Functional) Posture holding time: ▲12.29% for SFB; ▲8.66% for StS; ▲7.26% for climbing
(Subjective) Discomfort: ▼ for SFB and sit to stand
15 SPEXOR 🟉13 ♂
11 ♂
Static forward bending; Lifting
Load carrying; Kneeling; Walking
Sit to stand; Stair climbing
(Functional) Lifts/2-min 12.5%; Posture holding time ▲35.5% for SFB; Walk dist. ▼ 7.7%
Perf. time ▲8.2% for stair climbing. (Subjective) PTD ▼ for SFB, lifting, kneeling
3 Laevo 11 Lifting (Muscular) 8% (avg.) (Force/torque) L5-S1 Fc ▼ 6% (Functional) Peak α˙-Hip ▼ 17%
7 BackX AC
9 ♂
9 ♀
Static forward bending (Musc.) TES-IL46%, ▼ 35% (avg.) (Func.) Perf. time 6.9% (Subjective) BORG 75%
(Musc.) TES-IL22.5%, ▼ 13% (avg.) (Func.) Perf. time 7.6% (Subjective)
8 Laevo 18 ♂ Static forward bending
Walking; Sitting; Squatting
(Metabolic) For lifting: Met. cost ▼ 16.5%.      (Subjective) PTD ▼ for SFB.
For load carrying: Met. cost ▲ 14.5%            PTD ▲ for walking, sitting, squatting
9 Laevo 11 ♂ Static forward bending (Muscular) IL ▼, EO 10%+, IO 10%+, RA ∼, LL ∼ (Force/torque) L5-S1 Mfe ▼ (Functional) α-Hip ▼
12 Laevo 18 ♂ Static forward bending; Lifting
Load carrying; Sit to stand
(Functional) Perf. time for SFB       (Subjective) PTD ▼ for SFB PTD for StS and walking.
            LD ▼ for SFB (low back). LD ▲ for SFB (chest)
14 Laevo 9 ♂
9 ♀
Static forward bending
Static holding task (SHT)
(Muscular) For SFB: BF20%, TA44%,        (Functional) α-Hip ▲ 15.9%
   ESL35%, ESI38%       (Subjective) LD ▼ (low back)
For SHT: BF24%, TA50%           LD ▲ (chest)
ESL37%, ESI44%
18 Laevo 30 ♂ Static forward bending
Load lifting
(Subjective) LPD (over time): ▼40% (low back), ▼50% (wrist), ▲50% (chest)
    UMUX (over time): ∼ Donning/doffing, ▼ Task perf.
    Intention to use(over time) ▼ 25%
10 Robo-Mate 10 ♂ Load lifting (Muscular) IL-LL19% (Force/torque) L5-S1 Fc ▼17.8%, L5-S1 Mfe ▼
(Functional) α-Hip ▼ 15.9%, α˙-Hip ▼25%
11 HAL 14 ♂ Lifting (Muscular) Muscle activity: TES11.5%, LES4.5%, QF15%     (Subjective) BORG ∼
     iEMG: TES19.55%, LES11.4%
20 HAL 11 ♂
7 ♀
Stoop load lifting (Functional) Number of lifts ▲45%; Lifting time 44%
(Subjective) ▼25% Perceived lumbar fatigue
13 ‘Active indus-trial exo’ 12 ♂ lifting; Lowering (Muscular) RA ∼, BF5%, LES12% (w/7.5 kg)      (Subjective) BORG ▼9.5% (w/7.5 kg)
           LES15% (w/15 kg)     BORG ▼11.4% (w/15 kg)
               SUS > 60
16 MeBot-EXO 7 ♂ Semi-squat load lifting (Muscular) TES42.5%, LES38.5% (Metabolic) Met. cost ▼18%
17 Lower-limb exo 5 ♂ Lifting; Load carrying (Muscular) For lifting: VI40.8%, GA45.3%. For carrying: VI45.3%, GA36.1%
19 LAD 1 ♂ Lifting (Muscular) RA , ES
21 ‘Passive spine exoskeleton’ 3 ♂ Dynamic bending
Static forward bending
Muscular) TES54%, LES24% (Functional) Kinematics ∼
22 ‘Lower extremity exoskeleton’ 5 ♂
1 ♀
Lifting (Muscular) ES54% (Force/torque) [l]L5-S1 Fc ▼60.3% (w/4.5 kg payload)
       L5-S1 Fc ▼43% (w/13.6 kg payload
23 APO 5 ♂ Lifting; Lowering (Muscular) iEMG (average iEMG): TES6% (▼34.7%); LES15.9% (▼33%); BF27.4% (▲7.1%)
       ESI3.65% (▼8.9%) RF33.7% (40.1%)
(Functional) Time for trunk extension ▼19.1%

Abbreviations: Fc, compression force; LD, local discomfort; LPD, local perceived discomfort; Mfe, flexion-extension moment; M-SFS, Modified Spinal Function Sort; PTD, perceived task difficulty; SFB, static forward bending; SUS, system usability scale; UMUX, Usability Metric for User Experience. Muscles: BF, biceps femoris; ES, erector spinae; ESI, erector spinae iliocostalis; ESL, erector spinae longissimus; GA, gastrocnemius; LES, lumbar erector spinae; QF, quadriceps femoris; RA, rectus abdominis; RF, rectus femoris; TA, trapezius pars ascendens; TES, thoracic erector spinae; VI, vastus intermedialis.