Parameters considered during the neurological exam applied to sheep. Classification key: Animal—Animal identification; Mental Status—1: Alert and responsive; 2: Obtunded, 3: Stuporous; 4: Semicomatose; 5: Comatose and unresponsive; Posture Evaluation—1: Digits and hock in physiological position, no postural changes; 2: Mild flexion of digits and/or extension of the hock; 3: Moderated flexion of digits and/or extension of the hock; 4: Pronounced flexion of digits and extension of the hock; 5: Severe flexion of digits and extension of the hock; Movements Evaluation—1: Free and voluntary movements, absence of discomfort and/or pain; 2: Voluntary movements, manifestation of discomfort; 3: Voluntary movements, manifestation of discomfort and/or pain; 4: Conditioned voluntary movements, manifestation of discomfort and/or pain; 5: Absence of voluntary movements, manifestation of discomfort and/or pain; Postural Reactions (time for limb repositioning)—1: <3 s; 2: 3–5 s; 3: 5–10 s; 4: 10–15 s; 5: 15–20 s; 6: >20 s. Spinal Reflexes +: Absent reflex; ++: Reflex present but delayed; +++: Reflex present.