Overview of a tertiary lymphoid structure (TLS) in Pancreatic Cancer. (a). Overview of a CD20 staining (B cells) in a Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC) patient. The red annotated area indicates the tumor region, and the black box indicates the area of magnification for Figure 1b–d. (b). Nerve fiber staining PGP9.5, which is a pan-neuronal marker. This image shows the presence of nerve fibers at the edge of a lymphoid aggregate. (c). Routine HE staining containing B cells (CD20), T cells (here mostly CD8 and CD4) and follicular dendritic cells (CD21). Treg cells (FOXP3) are mostly absent, just as CD4 in this image. CD8 shows a few positive cells at the border of this structure. (d) Multiplex imaging: T cells (FOXP3 green), B cells (CD20 yellow), Nerves (PGP9.5 red) and nucleus (DAPI blue).