a An EF directs migration of corneal epithelial cells in a monolayer model of wound healing (150 mV/mm) [59]. b Stratified corneal epithelium migrate in situ to heal a wound (towards the left) [59]. c Electric fields applied with polarity opposite to the default healing direction direct the wound edge to migrate away from the wound [59]. d Electrical stimulation experiments of fibroblasts cultured in the absence of (control) and (experimental) electric fields. It can be observed that fibroblasts differentiate along the electric field line [59]. e Polarized EGF receptors, dp-ERK (activated mitogen-activated protein kinase) and actin polymerization. Dp-ERK1/2 and F-actin are surface plots that represent fluorescence intensity [60]. f Light micrograph (hematoxylin and eosin, 100) of full-thickness wound in guinea pig 7 day after incision, control, cathodal ES, and anodal ES, respectively, from left to right. Cathodal and anodal DC ES (sensory intensity) was applied for 1 h per day, every other day, for 7 days. The number of fibroblasts (dark fusiform cells, F) was significantly higher in cathodal ES group compared with control group [63]