Figure 3.
The differentially expressed genes in patients with high RPI (compared with patients with low RPI) were 22 up-regulated and 24 downregulated genes when employing a fold change cut-off of 1.7 (p < 0.001 for all; (A)). High expression of the most upregulated gene (COMP) and low expression of the most downregulated gene (DMBT1) are associated with poor disease-specific survival in both the study cohort (p = 0.004 and p = 0.010 in (B,C), respectively; n = 95) and the microarray validation cohort (p = 0.032 and p < 0.001 in (D,E), respectively; n = 161). For each category, number of cases/number of cases dying from EC. p-values refer to the log-rank test. RPI: radiomic prognostic index; COMP: cartilage oligomeric matrix protein; DMBT1: deleted in malignant brain tumors 1.