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. 2021 Jan;13(1):202–212. doi: 10.21037/jtd-20-2022

Table 1. Characteristics of included studies.

Author Country Language Design Diagnosis N(H)CQ/Ctl HCQ/CQ regimen Counterpart regimen Age M/F Severity Baseline imbalance Methodological weakness led to high risk of bias
Randomized controlled trials
   Chen J China Chinese Open RCT PCR 15/15 HCQ 400 mg qd, d1–5 None 48.6 21/9 Unclear None Not blinded
   Chen Z China English RCT rtPCR 31/31 HCQ 200 mg bid, d1–5 None 44.7 29/33 Mild, pneumonia None No description of blinding
   Huang China English RCT rtPCR 10/12 CQ 500 mg bid, d1–10 Lopinavir/ritonavir 400/100 mg bid d1–10 44 13/9 Moderate 14, severe 8 Earlier treatment in CQ arm (2.5 vs. 6.5 d, P<0.001) No description of blinding; not registered; baseline imbalance
   Tang China English Open RCT Real time rtPCR 75/75 HCQ 1,200 mg d1–3; 800 mg d4–21 None 46.1 82/68 Mild/moderate 148, severe 2 None Not blinded
Observational studies
   Chen X China English Retro obs Real time rtPCR 17/121 CQ dose unspecified None Apx 48 Apx 54%/46% Moderate or less: apx 84%, serious/critical: apx 16% Unclear Not registered retrospective design; inconsistent CQ dosage; not adjusted for covariate; lack of basal data in each arm
   Gautret France English Pro obs Real time rtPCR 26/16 HCQ 200 mg tid (+AZM 500 mg d1, 250 mg d2–; 6 patient) None Apx 45.1 Apx 42%/58% Unclear Elder in HCQ arm (mean 51 vs. 37 yo, P=0.06) Attenuation in HCQ arm; less recruited than protocol; inconsistent addition of azm; baseline imbalance; not adjusted for covariate
   Rosenberg USA English Retro obs Laboratory confirmed 735/271/ 211/221 HCQ + AZM/HCQ/AZM/neither, dose unspecified Four-arm factorial design Apx 60 858/580 Unclear HCQ + AZM and HCQ were more frequently used for shock and oxygen desaturation cases Not registered retrospective design; inconsistent CQ dosage; baseline imbalance
   Mahevas France English Retro obs, propensity score PCR 84/97 HCQ 600 mg/d None 60 128/33 Moderate (O2, not ICU), Pneumonia None Not registered retrospective design

Age: median or mean age. Apx: approximately, exact data were unclear because Chen et al. aggregated data including cases who were treated with other antiviral drugs and because Gautret et al. presented data after excluding lost cases. RCT, randomized controlled trial; pro obs, prospective observational study; retro obs, retrospective observational study; rtPCR, reverse transcription PCR; N(H)CQ/Ctl, numbers of patients in HCQ/CQ arm and control arm; CQ, chloroquine; HCQ, hydroxychloroquine; AZM, azithromycin; M/F, male female ratio.