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. 2021 Jan 25;11:601800. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.601800

Table 2.

Search terms and strategy.

Searches and databases
Abbreviations: “ti”: title; “ab”: abstract; “kw”: keyword; “mp” in the APA PsycINFO database includes: title, abstract, heading word, table of contents, key concepts, original title, tests & measures, mesh; “any field” in the APA PsycINFO and Medline databases includes: author, journal title, book title, keywords, first page, title, abstract, affiliation, author of review item, conference, correction date, correspondence, DOI number, geographic location, grant/sponsorship, index terms, ISBN, ISSN, language, MeSH: medical subject heading, publication date, publisher, PubMed ID, release date, tests & measures, title of review item, unique identifier, year of review item; “all fields” in the PubMed database includes: affiliation, author, author – corporate, author – first, author – identifier, author—last, book, conflict of interest statements, date—completion, date—create, date—entry, date—mesh, date—modification, date—publication, EC/RN number, editor, filter, grant number, ISBN, investigator, issue, journal, language, location ID, mesh major topic, mesh subheading, mesh terms, other term, pagination, pharmacological action, publication type, publisher, secondary source ID, subject—personal name, supplementary concept, text word, title, title/abstract, transliterated title, volume; “all” in the Web of Science database includes: topic, title, author, author identifiers, group author, editor, publication name, DOI, year published, address, organization-enhanced, organization, suborganization, abstract, author keywords, keyword plus, street address, city, province/state, country/region, zip/postal code, funding agency, grant number, funding text, research area, web of science category, ISSN/ISBN, accession number, PubMed ID.
APA PsycINFO (Ovid)
gambling AND (“pop up” OR “pop ups” OR pop-up* OR reminder OR “Warning message*” OR “Dynamic message*”): mp
APA PsycNet
gambling AND (“pop up” OR “pop ups” OR pop-up* OR reminder OR “Warning message*” OR “Dynamic message*”): any field
Cochrane Library
gambling AND (“pop up” OR “pop ups” OR pop-up* OR reminder OR “Warning message*” OR “Dynamic message*”): ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
gambling AND (“pop up” OR “pop ups” OR pop-up* OR reminder OR “Warning message*” OR “Dynamic message*”): mp
gambling AND (“pop up” OR “pop ups” OR pop-up* OR reminder OR “Warning message*” OR “Dynamic message*”): all fields
Web of science
gambling AND (“pop up” OR “pop ups” OR pop-up* OR reminder OR “Warning message*” OR “Dynamic message*”): all