Figure 1.
Celiac disease (CeD) prioritized genes and their proposed function and cell type. (A) A chromosome ideogram depicting the location of each prioritized gene identified in a CeD-associated genome-wide association study (GWAS) locus. Loci are marked with red bars. Genes depicted by a square are the target of an approved drug or a drug in development. All other genes are depicted by a circle. Each circle or square is colored according to the lines of evidence (see Methods) supporting its causal role. (B) Functions and cell types highlighted by the prioritized genes, according to our literature review (see Methods) (n = 118 genes; for 37 genes, neither a function nor a specific cell type on which the gene may operate could be specified). All genes contributing to a specific function are listed under the subheading and colored according to the change that leads to increased CeD risk: increased expression (red), decreased expression (blue), or undefined (black). The symbols + or – denote if a biological process is thought to be induced or repressed by the gene, respectively, according to literature.