Knockdown of HMGB1 inhibits the tumor metastasis of liver cancer promoted by HBx in vivo. (A) 5×106 HepG2-con, HepG2-HBx and HepG2-HBx-shHMGB1 cells were subcutaneously injected into nude mice. Four weeks later, tumors derived from indicated cells were removed and shown. N=3. The tumor growth curves for the three groups described were measured. (B) The MVD level of the implanted tumor decreased with HMGB1 knockdown. (C, D) Metastasis experiments in vivo reveal that the downregulation of HMGB1 reduces the tumor metastasis. Colonies on the (C) lung and (D) liver surface (indicated by arrows). The numbers of tumor colonies were quantified. Data are means ± SEM from 3 independent experiments, * means P<0.05, ** means P<0.01, by one-way ANOVA.