A. Two weeks after reoperation, no bleeding is seen and the RAM has decreased in size. B. Four weeks after reoperation. The mean blur rates (MBR) in the RAM (yellow circle) and retinal flow volumes (RFVs) in an arteriole (red rectangle) and venule (white rectangle) were 6.8/105.7/183.5 arbitrary units (AU), respectively. C. Seven weeks after reoperation, the RAM has reduced to one DD in size. D. Seven weeks after reoperation, MBR in the RAM and RFVs were reduced to 3.2/70.1/163.9 AU. E. Four months after reoperation, there is no recurrent expansion of the RAM. F. Four months after reoperation, MBR in the RAM and both RFVs showed further reductions to 1.1/52.8/126.0 AU. The MBR of the RAM and RFVs of the arteriole and venule had decreased by −83.4/−50.0/−31.3%, respectively, at 4 months after reoperation compared with those at 4 weeks after reoperation. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)