The histopathological examination of Malayan pangolins tissue slide using hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining. A: Heart, myocardial cells were necrotic, and the myoplasm at the necrosis was dissolved into vacuoles, some of which were lipid droplet vacuoles. B: Liver, sinus hepaticus was dilatate with blood stasis. C: Spleen, splenic cord widened and lymphocytes multiplied. D: Lung, alveoli collapse, inflammatory cell infiltration and capillaries congestion. E: Kidney, the renal tubules were transparent, with capillaries congested and cystic spaces dilated in the glomeruli. F: Lymph nodes, medullary blood vessels were dilated and congested, and there were many macrophages in the medullary cord. G: Salivary glands, epithelial cells of mucosa necrosis and submucosa congestion. H: Bladder, mucosa folds inward when empty. A-E, 400 X; F–H, 200X.