To be performed in case of suggestive clinical findings and first step consistent with hyperinflammation |
Chest X-Ray: the most common finding is interstitial pneumonia. Pleurisy or heart shadow enlargement may be present EKG + Echo-Cardiogram: to seek for signs of myocarditis (if cardiac enzymes are increased or in case of clinical suspicion), valvular insufficiency, pericarditis, cardiac tamponade, coronary abnormalities. In case of shock, echo-cardiogram may be helpful to rule out dehydration Abdomen US: in case of gastrointestinal symptoms. Possible findings are: hepato/splenomegaly, peritoneal fluid, hepato/splenomegaly Chest CT: if indicated by clinical picture and X-ray results Heart MRI: if indicated by clinical picture and ecocardiogram results Colonscopy: in case of severe gut disease |