Anatomical comparisons between leaflet abscission zone (LAZ) and petiole abscission zone (PAZ) in wild type and plp. (a, b) Close‐up view of leaflet pulvinus region. (c‐f) Microscopic analysis of longitudinal sections across the LAZ stained by toluidine blue at leaflet pulvinus region. (c, d) Mature leaflet (25‐day‐old) pulvinus region in wild type and plp. No leaflet AZ was formed in either wild type or plp mutant. (e, f) Senescing leaflet (35‐day‐old) pulvinus region in wild type and plp. LAZ of wild type is shown in the picture, and no LAZ is formed in plp mutant. (g, h) Close‐up view of petiole pulvini region. (i‐l) Microscopic analysis of longitudinal sections across the PAZ stained by toluidine blue at the petiole pulvinus region. (i, j) Mature leaf (25‐day‐old) petiole pulvinus region in wild type and plp. No AZ was formed in either wild type or plp. (k, l) Senescing leaf (35‐day‐old) petiole pulvinus region in wild type and plp. Small cytoplasmic cells were observed along the petiole AZ region in wild type, and no AZ cells were observed in plp. D25, 25‐day‐old leaf; D35, 35‐day‐old leaf. Red arrows indicate LAZ and PAZ; red asterisks in (f) and (l) indicate the region where the LAZ and PAZ should be present. Scale bars: (a,b) 5 mm; (g,h) 1 mm; (c‐f,i‐l) 500 μm. L, leaflet; PE, petiolule; PLP: petiolule‐like pulvinus; PU, pulvinus; P, petiole; S, stem. [Colour figure can be viewed at]