Figure 4.
Detailed representations of HC 2000 and 900 clusters in the Typhimurium Lineage ( A) and the Enteritidis Lineage ( B). Each consists of a NINJA NJ tree of the subset of nodes encompassed by the corresponding Lineages from the tree in Figure 3. The figure indicates HC2000 clusters in larger font and gray shading. Designations for individual HC900 clusters and their predominant serovar include the total number of isolates (black) and the number from the 10K genomes project (red) in parentheses. In part B, Clade A and C designations from citations ( Graham et al., 2018; Luo et al., 2020) are indicated for HC900_3589 and HC2000_1570, respectively. Interactive versions can be found at ( A) and ( B), in which the user can use other metadata for coloring genomes. Black arrowheads: tree root. Scale bar: 200 alleles.