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. 2020 Nov 24;31(3):1744–1762. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhaa323

Figure 8.

Figure 8

Doxycycline administration delays tTA-driven transgene expression. (A) Schematic illustrating our strategy to delay transgene activation. Administration of Dox in drinking water of females pregnant with Dlx5/6-tTA;tetO-Sp8-IE embryos from E7-E11 delayed transgene activation until around E14–15. (B–D) Dlx5/6-tTA;tetO-Sp8-IE mice (C) coexpress Sp8 and EGFP throughout the LGE and MGE compared to controls (B). E7–E11 Dox-treated Dlx5/6-tTA;tetO-Sp8-IE mice (D) show minimal transgene expression at E13.5. (E–G), By E15.5, Dox-treated Dlx5/6-tTA;tetO-Sp8-IE embryos (G) begin to misexpress Sp8 and EGFP throughout the SVZ, but considerably less than that in non-Dox-treated embryos (F). (H–J) By E18.5 embryos that were Dox-treated from E7-E11 (J) misexpress Sp8 and EGFP at similar levels to untreated embryos (I) in both the LGE and striatum. LGE, lateral ganglionic eminence; MGE, medial ganglionic eminence; Str, striatum. Scale bars: 500 μm.