Table 1.
Source analysis results
x | y | z | t-values (peak level) | Number of voxels | P values | Brodmann areas | Cortical areas | |
SPP: Paired t-test, whole brain contrast on activation maps obtained by collapsing the two word types: contrast HC > LC | −48 | 40 | 20 | 3.48 | 3041 | P < 0.005 uncorrected | 45/46 | Inferior left frontal cortex |
SPP: Paired t-test, left hemisphere contrast on activation maps obtained by collapsing the two word types: contrast HC > LC | −48 | 40 | 20 | 3.48 | 1005 | P < 0.05 FWE corrected | 45/46 | Inferior left frontal cortex |
SPP: Paired t-test, whole brain contrast: HC animals > tools | −30 | −72 | 42 | 2.87 | 55 | P < 0.005 uncorrected | 7/19 | Superior occipital gyrus |
SPP: Paired t-test, whole brain contrast: HC tools > animals | −34 | 16 | 54 | 2.86 | 22 | P < 0.005 uncorrected | 6 | Frontal cortex |
SPP: Paired t-test, ROIs contrast: HC animals > tools | −34 | −74 | 46 | 3.06 | 798 | P < 0.05 FWE corrected | 7/19 | Superior occipital gyrus |
SPP: Paired t-test, ROIs contrast: HC tools > animals | −36 | 14 | 56 | 3.12 | 305 | P < 0.05 FWE corrected | 6 | Frontal cortex |
N400: Paired t-test, whole brain contrast on activation maps obtained by collapsing the two word types: contrast LC > HC | −48 | −72 | 0 | 3.13 | 524 | P < 0.005 uncorrected | 19/37 | Occipitotemporal cortex |
N400: Paired t-test, left hemisphere contrast on activation maps obtained by collapsing the two word types: contrast LC > HC | −50 | −72 | 0 | 3.21 | 241 | P < 0.05 FWE corrected | 19/37 | Occipitotemporal cortex |
N400: Paired t-test, whole brain contrast: animals LC > HC | −36 | −70 | −8 | 3.18 | 1474 | P < 0.005 uncorrected | 18/19 | Occipital cortex |
N400: Paired t-test, whole brain contrast: tools LC > HC | −34 | −18 | 62 | 3.10 | 103 | P < 0.005 uncorrected | 4 | Precentral gyrus |
N400: Paired t-test, ROIs contrast: animals LC > HC | −46 | −76 | −16 | 3.22 | 183 | P < 0.05 FWE corrected | 18/19 | Occipital cortex |
−26 | −60 | 2 | 3.69 | 296 | P < 0.05 FWE corrected | 18/19 | Occipital cortex | |
N400: Paired t-test, ROIs contrast: tools LC > HC | −36 | −18 | 62 | 3.44 | 46 | P < 0.05 FWE corrected | 4 | Precentral gyrus |
For all significant contrasts calculated on the cortical sources of the SPP and N400 time intervals, the table displays the MNI coordinates of the voxel with highest t value, its t value, the number of significant voxels per each significant cluster, P values, and the Brodmann area labels where the “peak voxel” was found, along with a description of the cortical area where the active cluster was located.