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. 2021 Feb 8;284:114–119. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.02.020

Table 1.

Sociodemographic characteristics of adolescents with depression.

Variables Total (N=3,498) With anxiety (N=1,579) Without anxiety (N=1,919) χ2 P
N % N % N %

Female 1984 56.7 937 59.3 1047 54.6 8.07 0.005
Age (years)
11-15 1,745 49.9 739 46.8 1,006 52.4 10.95 0.001
16-20 1,753 50.1 840 53.2 913 47.6
Junior secondary school 1,693 48.4 719 45.5 974 50.8 9.45 0.002
Senior secondary school 1,805 51.6 860 54.5 945 49.2
Number of confirmed COVID-19 cases at provincial level
10-99 825 23.6 442 28.0 383 20.0 32.00 <0.001
100-999 1,932 55.2 817 51.7 1,115 58.1
1,000-9,999 545 15.6 230 14.6 315 16.4
>10,000 196 5.6 90 5.7 106 5.5
Geographical regions
Eastern 844 24.1 341 21.6 503 26.2 46.82 <0.001
Southern 124 3.5 52 3.3 72 3.8
Central 646 18.5 259 16.4 387 20.2
Northern 758 21.7 359 22.7 399 20.8
Northwest 733 21.0 403 25.5 330 17.2
Southwest 270 7.7 111 7.0 159 8.3
Northeast 123 3.5 54 3.4 69 3.6
Acquaintance with COVID-19 143 4.1 68 4.3 75 3.9 0.35 0.55
Parents as frontline workers 312 8.9 162 10.3 150 7.8 6.36 0.01
Concern about graduation 1,955 55.9 933 59.1 1022 53.3 11.95 0.01
Concern about COVID-19 2,580 73.8 1,182 74.9 1,398 72.9 1.8 0.18
Strict mask-wearing and hand hygiene 3,199 91.5 1,767 92.1 1,432 90.7 2.14 0.14
Sleep duration/day
<6h 283 8.1 179 11.3 104 5.4 48.07 <0.001
6-8h 2,089 59.7 946 59.9 1,143 59.6
>8h 1,126 32.2 454 28.8 672 35.0
Exercise duration/day
<30min 1,924 55.0 893 56.6 1,031 53.7 4.46 0.11
30-60min 1,289 36.8 552 35.0 737 38.4
>60min 285 8.1 134 8.5 151 7.9
Study duration/day
<4h 704 20.1 316 20.0 388 20.2 12.54 0.006
4-8h 1,711 48.9 731 46.3 980 51.1
>8h 1083 31.0 532 33.7 551 28.7
Participation in distance learning 3,181 90.9 1,446 91.6 1,735 90.4 1.43 0.23
Quantity of homework
Lower than before 903 25.8 376 23.8 527 27.5 54.12 <0.001
About the same 1,946 55.6 826 52.3 1,120 58.4
Higher than before 649 18.6 377 23.9 272 14.2
Dorm 33 0.9 10 0.6 23 1.2 2.96 0.09
Other 3,465 99.1 1,569 99.4 1,896 98.8
Scale Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD T/Z P
CES-D 25.87 8.15 29.52 8.96 22.88 5.93 -26.24 <0.001
GAD-7 4.81 4.45 8.59 3.90 1.70 1.46 -51.26a <0.001

a. Mann-Whitney U test; Bolded P-values: <0.05; COVID-19: Coronavirus Disease 2019; CES-D: 20-item Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression; GAD-7: 7-item Generalized Anxiety Disorder; SD: standard deviation.