A-E: Representative DHE fluorescence images in fresh cardiac tissue of non-diabetic C57BL/6 and diabetic C57BL/6 (A) mice 12 weeks post-STZ, lsl-rtTA-TRE-Klf5 and αMHC-rtTA-Klf5 mice fed on doxycycline-enriched diet for 10 days (B), diabetic FOXO1fl/fl mice and diabetic αMHC-FoxO1−/− mice infected with AAV9-cTnT or AAV9-cTnT-hKlf5 (C), non-diabetic C57BL/6, diabetic KLF5fl/fl and diabetic αMHC-Klf5−/− mice (D), non-diabetic and diabetic mice treated with ML264 or vehicle (E). F: Left ventricular fractional shortening of non-diabetic C57BL/6, diabetic C57BL/6 and diabetic C57BL/6 mice treated with LGM2605. G: Representative DHE fluorescence images in fresh cardiac tissue of non-diabetic C57BL/6, diabetic C57BL/6 and diabetic C57BL/6 mice treated with LGM2605 and doxycycline-fed αMHC-Cre, αMHC-rtTA-Klf5 mice treated with LGM2605 or control saline. H: Left ventricular fractional shortening of doxycycline-fed lsl-rtTA mice, αMHC-Cre, αMHC-rtTA-Klf5 mice treated with LGM2605 or control saline.