Figure 6. VP RPE neuron signaling adapts across reward blocks.
(a) A white noise cue indicated an overall 50/50 probability of receiving sucrose or maltodextrin solutions, but the order of trials was structured into blocks of thirty trials, as seen in example session (right). (b) Mean(+/−SEM) lick rate relative to pump onset. (c) Proportion of neurons best fit by each of the three models in the random and blocked sucrose/maltodextrin tasks. (d) Mean(+/−SEM) activity of all RPE neurons from the blocks tasks aligned to cue onset and to reward delivery. (e) Mean(+/−SEM) activity of all RPE neurons from the random sucrose/maltodextrin task aligned to cue onset and to reward delivery. (f) RPE model simulations (left) and mean(+/−SEM) activity of RPE, Current outcome, and Unmodulated cells from the random sucrose/maltodextrin task, plotted in bins of three trials evenly spaced throughout all completed sucrose and maltodextrin trials. (g) As in (f), for blocked sessions with sucrose first. (h) As in (f) and (g) for blocked sessions with maltodextrin first.