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. 2021 Jan 26;12:615268. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.615268


One-way analysis on variance (ANOVA) summary table for the effects of gender on emotional expressiveness and affection.

Variable gender Source df SS M F p η2
Emotional expressiveness AE Between-group 1 9.32 9.32 1.34 0.714 0.000
Within-group 295 20,469.41 69.39
Total 296 20,478.73
SE Between-group 1 72.84 72.84 4.46 0.036 0.015
Within-group 295 4,817.04 16.33
Total 296 4,889.88
Affections AP Between-group 1 20.33 20.33 0.49 0.486 0.002
Within-group 295 12,300.77 41.70
Total 296 12,321.11
AN Between-group 1 194.74 194.74 5.46 0.020 0.018
Within-group 295 10,515.32 35.64
Total 296 10,710.06

AE, avoidance of showing emotions; SE, showing emotions; AP, positive affection; AN, negative affection.