Fig. 1.
Images of case 1. a Arterial-phase contrast-enhanced CT image obtained in case 1. The tumor exhibited early enhancement (arrow: the tumor). b Delayed-phase contrast-enhanced CT image obtained in case 1. The tumor was not enhanced in the delayed phase (arrow: the tumor). c Resected specimen from case 1. The cut surface of the specimen contained a circumscribed solid tumor, which was light brownish in color (arrow: the tumor). d Hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining of the tumor in a low-power field. The tumor cells exhibited sheet-like growth, were spindle-shaped to polygonal, and contained granular to clear cytoplasm. Adipocytes and blood vessels were present in the tumor. Extramedullary hematopoiesis was also seen (arrows). e HMB-45 staining of the tumor in a low-power field. The tumor was positive for HMB-45. f α-SMA staining of the tumor in a low-power field. The tumor was positive for α-SMA