Table 1. The Five Personality Traits and their Underlying Facet Traits in the IPIP-NEO-120.
Neuroticism | Extraversion | Openness | Agreeableness | Conscientiousness |
N1_Anxiety Worry about things |
E1_Friendliness Make friends easily |
O1_Imagination Love to daydream |
A1_Trust Trust others |
C1_Self-efficacy Excel in what I do |
N2_Anger Get angry easily |
E2_Gregarious Love large parties |
O2_Artistic Believe in the importance of art |
A2_Morality Cheat to get ahead |
C2_Orderliness Like to tidy up |
N3_Depression Often feel blue |
E3_Assertive Take charge |
O3_Emotionality Feel other’s emotions |
A3_Altruism Love to help others |
C3_Dutifulness Keep my promises |
N4_Self-conscious Find it difficult to approach others |
E4_Activity Am always busy |
O4_Adventurous Prefer variety to routine |
A4_Cooperation Love a good fight |
C4_Achievement Work hard |
N5_Immoderation Rarely overindulge |
E5_Excitement Love excitement |
O5_Intellect Love to read challenging material |
A5_Modesty Think highly of myself |
C5_Self-discipline Am always prepared |
N6_ Vulnerability Panic easily |
E6_Cheerful Radiate joy |
O6_Liberalism Tend to vote for liberal political candidates |
A6_Sympathy Sympathise with the homeless |
C6_Cautiousness Rush into things |
Note. Each one of the 30 facet traits in IPIP-NEO are exemplified with a typical item worded in italics.