Fig. 7.
Effect of particle shape on molecular hyperthermia. (a) Geometry of gold nanorod (AuNR). Aspect ratio is defined as the ratio between length and radius of rod. All AuNRs in this study have the same volume. (b) Temperature distribution around AuNRs with different aspect ratios. (c) Protein activity distribution around AuNRs. 100% indicates all proteins are intact and 0% indicates all proteins are inactivated, the boundary of impact zone (50%) is shown in white color. (d) Temperature distribution in the axial direction for AuNRs with different aspect ratios. (e) Temperature distribution in the radial direction for AuNRs with different aspect ratios. Insert is gold temperature profile as a function of time. (f) Impact zone changes with aspect ratio in the axial and radial directions. (g) Impact volume for AuNRs with different aspect ratios.