Table 6. Bat response to roost site prescribed burns with species, burned area, evacuation response, burn start time, time to evacuation, daily temperature average, observed max flame height, tree species and height of tree from burn response study conducted in February-March 2019 and December-January 2019–2020 at Camp Blanding, Florida.
Burn Date | Bat Species | Burn Area (ha) | Evacuated | Time to Evacuation (mins) | Air Temp (C) | Max flame height (m) | Tree Species | Height (m) |
02/25/19 | LASE1 | 0.44 | N | - | 18 | 4 | PIPA | 19.2 |
02/25/19 | LACI | 0.16 | N | - | 22 | 3 | QUNI | 11.8 |
02/26/19 | LASE | 0.16 | N | - | 18 | - | PIPA | 21 |
02/26/19 | LACI | 0.16 | N | - | 18 | - | QUNI | 7.6 |
03/01/19 | LASE | 0.33 | N | - | 26 | 6 | PITA | 22.5 |
03/01/19 | LASE | 0.62 | Y | 10 | 27 | 10 | PIEL | 13.2 |
12/11/19 | LABO | 0.09 | Y | 10 | 15 | 7–8 | QUNI | 7.32 |
1Slash pine (Pinus elliottii) = PIEL, Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) = PIPA, loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) = PITA, and water oak (Quercus nigra) = QUNI. Red bat (Lasiurus borealis) = LABO, hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus), and Seminole bat (Lasiurus seminolus) = LASE.
Dashes indicate where maximum flame height estimation was uncertain due to smoke and safety concerns.