Figure 5.
Proton concentration-responses in the absence and presence of increasing concentrations of Ca2+ (a), Mg2+ (b), Cd2+ (c), Co2+ (d), Fe2+ (e), Mn2+ (f), Ni2+ (g), and Zn2+ (h). Gs-cAMP production was measured in transiently transfected HEK293T cells using the GloSensor cAMP assays. Metal ion stock solutions were made in water and diluted in pH preadjusted Ca2+/Mg2+ free HBSS-based buffers. Results were normalized to proton responses (%) and represented means ± SEM from a minimum of 3 independent assays, each in quadruplicate. Curves were analyzed in Prism 8.4 using the built-in four-parameter logistic function. Allosteric parameters are listed in Table 4. Dashed lines indicate relative activity at pH 7.40 or pH 7.00.