Effect of ZWT on gut microbiota of IgAN rats. (A) Shannon rarefaction curves of normal, model, and ZWT groups. (B) Hierarchical clustering analysis of UPGMA in three groups based on unweighted UniFrac analysis. (C) 3D-PCA was executed in the three groups, based on OTU levels. (D) Venn diagram showing observed OTU numbers among the three groups. Orange symbols indicate ZWT group; blue symbols, normal group; and green symbols, model group. (E) Phylogenetic tree in cladogram format displaying discriminatory bacterial taxa among the three groups, based on LEfSe analysis (phylum to genus level). (F) The difference in abundance levels of bacterial taxa among the three groups (LDA score > 3.0, Wilcoxon rank-sum test p < 0.05). (G) Stacking diagram of species distribution between normal, model, and ZWT groups at the phylum level from fecal 16S rDNA sequencing data (top 10). (H) Heatmap showing the component proportion of microbiota of each sample from the normal, model and ZWT groups at the family level (top 20).