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. 2021 Jan 27;10:622358. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2020.622358

Table 3 A, B.

Subject A and B results of linear mixed model analysis.

Dependent variable:
FA ADC FD FA Peritumoral ADC Peritumoral FD Peritumoral
0.021 0.00000 0.077 0.055 0.00004 -0.058
(0.008, 0.034) (-0.00002, 0.00002) (0.038, 0.117) (0.031, 0.080) (0.00002, 0.0001) (−0.138, 0.023)
p = 0.012 p = 1 p = 0.0012 p = 0.00006 p = 0.00012 p = 0.972
Constant 0.517 0.001 0.645 0.371 0.001 0.705
(0.488, 0.546) (0.001, 0.001) (0.611, 0.678) (0.331, 0.411) (0.001, 0.001) (0.640, 0.771)
p < 1.2e-15 p < 1.2e-15 p < 1.2e-15 p < 1.2e-15 p < 1.2e-15 p < 1.2e-15
Observations 200 200 200 40 40 40
Log Likelihood 172.557 1,488.435 69.184 44.545 339.211 15.904
Akaike Inf. Crit. −337.115 −2,968.871 −130.368 −81.090 −670.423 −23.807
Bayesian Inf. Crit. −323.921 −2,955.678 −117.175 −74.334 −663.667 −17.052
Dependent variable:
FA ADC FD FA Peritumoral ADC Peritumoral FD Peritumoral
−0.006 0.00001 −0.033 0.013 0.00000 −0.012
(−0.022, 0.011) (−0.00000, 0.00003) (−0.057, −0.010) (−0.020, 0.045) (−0.00002, 0.00003) (−0.037, 0.012)
p = 1 p = 0.606 p = 0.036 p = 1 p = 1 p = 1
Constant 0.562 0.001 0.705 0.459 0.001 0.543
(0.539, 0.585) (0.001, 0.001) (0.665, 0.744) (0.432, 0.486) (0.001, 0.001) (0.510, 0.577)
p < 1.2e-15 p < 1.2e-15 p < 1.2e-15 p < 1.2e-15 p < 1.2e-15 p < 1.2e-15
Observations 200 200 200 90 90 90
Log Likelihood 176.595 1,624.744 87.184 83.431 723.449 78.396
Akaike Inf. Crit. −345.190 −3,241.488 −166.367 −158.862 −1,438.898 −148.793
Bayesian Inf. Crit. −331.997 −3,228.295 −153.174 −148.863 −1,428.898 −138.793

Models 1–3 show results for the entire CST for FA, ADC, and FD, models 4–6 for the peritumoral segments respectively. The table shows regression coefficients for the fixed effect of hemisphere and the intercept with their respective standard error in brackets. Further, number of observations for each model, the log likelihood ratio, Akaike information criterion, and Bayesian information criterion are stated.