Country |
Country |
Country where the dietary survey took place as defined by EFSA's harmonised terminology for scientific research (COUNTRY catalogue; EFSA, 2019c). |
Survey |
Survey |
Acronym of the dietary survey |
PopClass |
Population class |
Participant's population class, based on age, as defined by EFSA's harmonised terminology for scientific research (AGECLS catalogue; EFSA, 2019c). |
Subject ID |
A pseudonymised subject ID number generated by EFSA upon receipt of the data |
Weight |
Body weight |
Bodyweight of the subject (in kg) |
ndays |
Number of survey days |
Number of days on which the participant's consumption was surveyed |
day |
Survey day |
Ordinal number of the day on which the participant's consumption was surveyed |
prodCode |
RPC code |
Code of the raw primary commodity as defined by EFSA's harmonised terminology for scientific research (MATRIX catalogue; EFSA, 2019c). |
prodName |
RPC name |
Name of the raw primary commodity as defined by EFSA's harmonised terminology for scientific research (MATRIX catalogue; EFSA, 2019c). |
FoodEx2_Facets |
Processing code |
FoodEx2 facet code describing the processing technique, including additional descriptors such as qualitative information, part consumed or the nature of the food (EFSA, 2015b). |
RPCD_amount |
RPCD amount |
Amount of raw primary commodity derivative (in grams) |
RPC_amount |
RPC amount |
Amount of raw primary commodity (in grams) |