Table 8.
Name | Label | Description |
paramCode_AS | Substance code | Code of the active substance as defined by EFSA's harmonised terminology for scientific research (PARAM catalogue; EFSA, 2019c). |
paramName_AS | Substance name | Name of the active substance as defined by EFSA's harmonised terminology for scientific research (PARAM catalogue; EFSA, 2019c). |
prodCode | RPC code | Code of the raw primary commodity as defined by EFSA's harmonised terminology for scientific research (MATRIX catalogue; EFSA, 2019c). |
prodName | RPC name | Name of the raw primary commodity as defined by EFSA's harmonised terminology for scientific research (MATRIX catalogue; EFSA, 2019c). |
Source | Source | Indicates the source of the information (i.e. MRL legislation, MRL review or MRL application). |
Reference | Reference | EFSA Journal reference to the relevant reasoned opinion (i.e. when the information was retrieved from an MRL review or application). |