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. 2021 Feb 10;19(2):e06392. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2021.6392

Table E.3.

Contribution of the selected 35 commodities of plant origin to total long‐term exposure to residues of substances included in CAG‐NCNa

Active substance Total Long‐term exposure (% of ADI) Long‐term exposure related to selected commodities (% of ADI) Contribution of selected commodities to total long‐term exposure (%)
Lower bound Upper bound Lower bound Upper bound Lower bound Upper bound
Acephate 0.01 0.19 < 0.01 0.17 22 93
Azinphos‐methyl < 0.01 1.94 < 0.01 1.93 100 100
Carbaryl 0.04 1.00 < 0.01 0.94 3 94
Carbofuran 0.45 20.00 0.04 19.05 9 95
Chlorpyrifos 10.25 52.49 9.55 46.82 93 89
Chlorpyrifos‐methyl 0.57 4.85 0.54 3.75 95 77
Diazinon 0.64 44.43 0.02 42.03 3 95
Dichlorvos 0.85 58.17 0.82 58.16 96 100
Dimethoate 5.46 31.29 5.29 29.19 97 93
Ethephon 0.74 2.82 0.13 2.53 18 90
Ethion 0.03 0.45 < 0.01 0.36 3 80
Fenamiphos 0.03 6.29 0.03 6.23 97 99
Fenitrothion 0.01 3.91 0.01 3.89 100 99
Fenthion < 0.01 0.62 < 0.01 0.53 100 85
Formetanate 0.07 1.77 0.07 1.74 100 98
Fosthiazate 0.03 2.52 0.03 2.51 100 100
Malathion 0.02 0.60 0.02 0.47 94 78
Methamidophos 0.07 3.69 0.02 3.53 26 96
Methidathion 0.04 14.48 0.04 14.32 97 99
Methiocarb 0.01 0.77 0.01 0.74 50 97
Methomyl 0.17 2.04 0.02 1.95 14 95
Monocrotophos 0.02 0.95 0.02 0.90 100 95
Omethoate 16.83 96.62 16.36 91.80 97 95
Oxamyl 0.23 4.09 0.01 3.95 6 96
Oxydemeton‐methyl < 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.00 0 0
Parathion 0.01 3.16 0.01 3.16 100 100
Parathion‐methyl < 0.01 1.10 < 0.01 1.10 100 100
Phosmet 0.46 3.30 0.44 3.16 95 96
Pirimicarb 0.10 0.70 0.09 0.66 93 94
Pirimiphos‐methyl 9.12 13.22 8.77 12.39 96 94
Profenofos 0.07 0.24 < 0.01 0.21 3 88
Thiodicarb < 0.01 0.11 < 0.01 0.010 100 87
Tolclofos‐methyl 0.07 0.001 0.07 0.001 100 100
Triazophos 0.10 2.29 0.10 2.09 99 91

Some of the substances included in the CAG are not covered by the EUCP, and for these substances, the contribution of the selected commodities to the total exposure was not calculated: azinphos‐ethyl, benfuracarb, cadusaphos, carbosulfan, chlorfenvinphos, ethoprophos, fonofos, phenthoate, phosalone, phoxim, pyrazophos and trichlorfon. All these substances have been withdrawn form the EU market and their occurrence in commodities is rare (see Table E.10). Aldicarb is not reported because this substance has not been found in any sample during the reference period.