Soybean and corn phyllosphere and soil bacterial community diversity and the families who are driving this diversity pattern. Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) on Bray-Curtis dissimilarities (A) of the bacterial community composition and the correlations between bacterial family abundances and different axes of the PCoA ordination (B) in the phyllosphere and soil bacterial communities in a 3-year soybean/corn rotation in L’Acadie, Quebec, Canada. Ordinations show that habitat (red points: soil, green points: phyllosphere) and host species (circle points: corn, triangle points: soybean) explain the bacterial community composition variations. The axes of the ordinations explain 46.6% of the variation in the bacterial community composition. Ellipses (A) are shaded based on host species (yellow for corn and green for soybean samples) and represent a 99% confidence level. Gray arrows (B) indicate the significant correlations (P = 0.001, except for the Pseudomonadaceae family) among the bacterial families that had an average relative abundance of more than 0.01 and their habitat and host species. Arrows directions show the correlations among habitats and host species and arrow length indicates the strength of these correlations.