(a) Schematic illustrating the design of the CPP experiments. On day 1, the amount of time the mice spent in each distinct side of a two-chamber apparatus was recorded. Next, VEH and TBG were administered to mice on alternating days while they were confined to chamber A (white box) or B (gray parallel lines), respectively. Conditioning lasted for a total of 6 days. On day 8, preference for each distinct side of the two-chamber apparatus was assessed. (b) A low dose of TBG (1 mg/kg) did not produce CPP or conditioned place aversion (CPA). Higher doses (10 and 50 mg/kg) produce a modest CPA. (c) TBG does not produce any long-lasting (>24 h) effects on locomotion. There is no statistical difference in locomotion between any pre- or post-conditioning groups (p = 0.9985, one-way ANOVA). White bars indicate groups prior to receiving TBG (i.e, pre-conditioning), while blue bars indicate groups 24 h after the last TBG administration (i.e, post-conditioning). Exact N numbers for each experimental condition are reported in Supplementary Table 1. Specific statistical tests, information on reproducibility, and exact p values are reported in the Methods and Supplementary Table 1.