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. 2021 Jan 27;11:576229. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.576229


Regression models examining separate contributions of personal and pandemic factors for resilience, burnout, and wellbeing in the whole frontline worker sample.

Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
F(13,1207) = 33.31, p < 0.001, F(14,1206) = 19.33, p < 0.001, F(15,1205) = 85.28, p < 0.001,
R2 = 0.26, R2adj = 0.26
R2 = 0.18, R2adj = 0.17
R2 = 0.52, R2adj = 0.51
β t p 95% CI
β t p 95% CI
β t p 95% CI
Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper
Partnership status 0.003 0.057 0.955 –0.086 0.091 1.634 2.890 0.004 0.525 2.742 0.195 0.887 0.375 –0.237 0.627
Caring status –0.011 –0.265 0.791 –0.097 0.074 0.840 1.551 0.121 –0.222 1.903 –0.160 –0.761 0.447 –0.573 0.253
MLQ presence 0.024 6.676 <0.001 0.017 0.031 –0.303 –6.570 <0.001 –0.393 –0.212 0.146 8.012 <0.001 0.110 0.181
MLQ search –0.019 –6.686 <0.001 –0.024 –0.013 0.153 4.318 <0.001 0.084 0.223 –0.008 –0.606 0.545 –0.036 0.019
Altruism –0.003 –1.234 0.218 –0.007 0.002 0.006 0.193 0.847 –0.051 0.063 0.020 1.735 0.083 –0.003 0.042
Resilient coping 0.111 13.973 <0.001 0.095 0.127 0.145 1.351 0.177 –0.065 0.354 0.267 6.431 <0.001 0.186 0.349
Resilience* –2.725 –7.575 <0.001 –3.431 –2.020 1.564 10.947 <0.001 1.284 1.844
Burnout** –0.186 –16.658 <0.001 –0.208 –0.164
Government response rating Appropriate –0.009 –0.782 0.435 –0.031 0.013 0.017 0.123 0.902 –0.0260 0.294 –0.036 –0.658 0.510 –0.143 0.071
Timely 0.014 1.234 0.217 –0.008 0.037 –0.403 –2.816 0.005 –0.683 –0.122 0.158 2.835 0.005 0.049 0.267
Effective 0.007 0.551 0.582 –0.018 0.032 0.069 0.436 0.663 0.243 0.382 0.045 0.731 0.465 –0.076 0.166
CV19 Infection certainty Self –0.107 –2.067 0.039 –0.209 –0.005 2.036 3.134 0.002 0.762 3.311 0.417 1.648 0.100 –0.079 0.914
Family 0.013 0.227 0.820 –0.101 0.127 –0.201 –0.276 0.782 –1.626 1.224 –0.314 –1.114 0.266 –0.867 0.290
Friends 0.005 0.098 0.922 –0.097 0.107 –0.718 –1.102 0.271 –1.996 0.560 –0.399 –1.579 0.115 –0.896 0.097
Co-Workers 0.026 0.528 0.598 –0.071 0.123 –0.133 –0.216 0.829 –1.343 1.076 –0.194 –0.812 0.417 –0.664 0.275
*Models 2 and 3 only
**Model 3 only

Significant differences are highlighted in bold.Burnout models were fit using the total (unmeaned) Bergen Burnout Inventory score. MLQ, Meaning in Life Questionnaire. Resilient coping refers to specific adaptational styles associated with coping that are supportive of resilience. Resilience refers to the status of having successfully handled stressful situations.