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. 2021 Jan 29;17(1):e1008609. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008609

Table 1. Model parameters given with their descriptions, constrained ranges, and prior distributions.

Notation Description Constained range or definition Prior distribution
R0p Basic reproduction number of the primarily infected population 0 − ∞ R0pN(2.5,0.5)
rc Reduction in infectiousness due to being chronic 0%–100% Fixed to a different value for each simulation.
R0c Basic reproduction number of the chronically infected population R0c=R0p(1-rc) Conditioned on R0p and rc.
rL Effect of lockdown in reducing infectiousness 0%–100% rLβ(1, 1)
mL Slope of reduction in infectiousness due to lockdown 0.5–1.5 mL ∼ 0.5 + β(1, 1)
sL Time lag of reduction in infectiousness due to lockdown 0 − ∞ sL ∼ exp(1/5)
rlock(t) Time dependent effect of the lockdown on the transmission rate Given by Eq 2 Conditioned on rL, rc, mL, and sL.
1/τ Duration of the latent period 0 − ∞ τ ∼ exp(1/2.5)
1/γp Duration of infection of Ip 0 − ∞ γp ∼ exp(1/2.5)
1/γc Duration of infection of Ic 0.01-20 days Fixed to a different value for each simulation.
βp Transmission rate of Ip Given by Eq 3 Conditioned on rlock(t), R0, and γp.
βc Transmission rate of Ic Given by Eq 4 Conditioned on rlock(t), R0, γc, and rc.
1/γH Duration of hospital ward stay 0 − ∞ γH ∼ exp(1/12)
1/γICU Duration of ICU stay 0 − ∞ γICU ∼ exp(1/12)
ϵH Rate of direct H admission 0 − ∞ ϵHN(0.08,0.02)
ϵH2I Transfer rate from H to ICU 0 − ∞ ϵH2IN(0.4,0.08)
ϵx Death rate from ICU 0 − ∞ ϵxN(0.4,0.08)
rdp Diagnosis rate of Ip 0 − ∞ rdpN(0.2,0.03)
rdc Diagnosis rate of Ic 0 − ∞ rdcN(0.075,0.015)
R0 Total basic reproduction number R0=R0p+(1-ϵH)R0c Conditioned on R0p, R0c and ϵH.
E(0) Initial frequency of the exposed compartment 0%–100% rdcβ(1,103)
S(0) Initial frequency of the susceptible compartment 1 − E(0)* Conditioned on E(0)
N Population size Fixed specific to the country used for fitting.

* All other compartments (Ip, Ic, H, ICU, R, and X) are assumed to be zero at t = 0, and the first case is assumed to be observed at t = 1.

N, β, exp denotes the Normal, Beta, and Exponential distributions respectively.