(A to C) JAZ10p:NLS-3xVEN expression in 5-do (A) WT and (B and C) kor1-4 roots cleared with ClearSee, counterstained with the cellulose dye Direct Red 23, and visualized as three-dimensional Z-stacks. (C) Orthogonal view from the epidermis to the vascular cylinder of kor1-4. The onset of elongation is indicated by empty arrowheads (first elongated cortex cell), and that of differentiation by filled arrowheads (appearance of root hairs). ep, epidermis; co, cortex; en, endodermis; pe, pericycle. (D) Heatmap of JAZ10p:NLS-3xVEN frequency in individual cells from WT and kor1-4 primary roots (n = 21). Presence or absence of the reporter was evaluated from the onset of elongation in individual cells along consecutive longitudinal files for each tissue layer. Reporter expression was not observed in the WT nor in kor1-4 vascular tissues of the stele (st). (E) Cell-specific complementation of JAZ10p:GUS (JGP) activity in kor1-4 by expressing CIT-KOR1 in either epidermis (IRT1p:CIT-KOR1), cortex (PEPp:CIT-KOR1), endodermis (SCRp:CIT-KOR1), or stele (WOLp:CIT-KOR1 or PIN1p:CIT-KOR1). Note that cortex-expressed CIT-KOR1 complements JAZ10p:GUS activity in kor1-4, as indicated by lack of the JAZ10p:GUS reporter in representative images from T3 lines (empty orange arrowhead). A minimum of 30 T3 individuals were analyzed for each line. Scale bars, 200 μm (A and B), 30 μm (C), and 0.5 mm (E).