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. 2021 Feb 1;35:106813. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2021.106813

Table 1.

Countries participating in ICIPES 2020.

Operational Codes
Regions Countries Alpha-3 Numeric Participants(n)
Africa (AFR) Cameroon* CMR 31 10 381
Ethiopia ETH 57 171
Ghana GHA 65 142
Tanzania TAZ 172 58
East Asia (EAS) China CHN 36 217 376
Japan JPN 35 159
Europe (EUR) Belgium* BEL 16 5 819
Italy ITA 83 517
Spain* SPA 164 28
Turkey TUR 179 78
United Kingdom GBR 185 191
South Asia (SAS) India IND 77 54 298
Pakistan PAK 131 45
Sri Lanka LKA 165 199
America (AMR) Chile CHL 35 1597 2784
Colombia COL 37 94
Costa Rica CRI 40 155
El Salvador SLV 52 83
Honduras HND 74 246
Mexico MEX 110 244
Peru* PER 137 15
Uruguay URY 187 61
USA USA 186 289
N= 4658 4658

Concerns about the extremely low response rates (less than 10%) for the parents surveys led to a decision not to include the corresponding data in the international database.