Unemployed, househusband, housewife |
509 |
11.1 |
91 Elementary trades and related occupations /92 Elementary administration and service occupations |
153 |
3.3 |
41 Administrative occupations /42 Secretarial and related occupations /61 Caring personal service occupations /62 Leisure, travel and related personal service occupations /63 Community and civil enforcement occupations¹/71 Sales occupations / 72 Customer service occupations / 81 Process, plant and machine operatives / 82 Transport and mobile machine drivers and operatives |
747 |
16.2 |
12 Other managers and proprietors/ 31 Science, engineering and technology associate professionals / 32 Health and social care associate professionals / Protective service occupations / 34 Culture, media and sports occupations / 35 Business and public service associate professionals / 51 Skilled agricultural and related trades /52 Skilled metal, electrical and electronic trades / 53 Skilled construction and building trades / 54 Textiles, printing and other skilled trades |
569 |
12.4 |
11 Corporate managers and directors / 21 Science, research, engineering and technology professionals / 22 Health professionals / 23 Teaching and other educational professionals / 24 Business, media and public service professionals |
2520 |
54.8 |
Missing |
102 |
2.2 |
Total |
4600 |
100.0 |